The story
“Secret Gardens” follows the tumultuous journey of Mies, a 24-year-old single mother from Surinam, now seeking refuge and a new life in the Netherlands. After escaping her criminal family, Mies struggles to make ends meet through a series of menial jobs, driven by the desire to provide a better future for her 8-year-old son, Michael.
Her path takes an unexpected turn when she becomes involved in the clandestine world of cannabis cultivation in Amsterdam. What starts as a desperate attempt to secure financial stability quickly spirals out of control, drawing Mies deeper into the criminal underworld she sought to escape.
As her operation grows, so do the risks, and Mies finds herself entangled in a dangerous game of cat and mouse. With the shadows of her past closing in and the stakes higher than ever, she must navigate a treacherous landscape to protect her son and carve out a future amidst the chaos.
“Secret Gardens” is a crime drama that explores themes of survival, motherhood, and the inescapable pull of one’s past, set against the backdrop of Amsterdam’s hidden cannabis culture
Written & Directed by - Yurena De Dios
Story - Michel Westerhuis
Cinematographer - Max Houtman
1st AC - Gijs ten Den
2nd AC - Chung Dha Lam
Gaffer - Daan Strampel
Best-Boys - Kenneth van Bochove & Otto Ligt
Electrician - Shane De Hundt
Production Design - Mars Garnier
Editor - Yurena De Dios
Composer - Maichol Bondanelli
Steadicam - Chris Snijders
Grip - Grip Company Amsterdam
Sound Recordist - Bram van Kauwen & Jesse Meulenbeek
Costume Design - Yce Sidibeh
Art Director - Allard Derksen
Art - Annelieke Prang & Maud Bresser
Hair & Make-up - Judith Looye Hoitink & Shanna Kragtwijk
Data - Patrick Meijer
Runners - Sean van Berlo & Matei Zgimboi
Sound Designer - Francois Yazbeck
Sound Editor - Haruna Nakada
Colorist - Jacob Creach
Voice-Over - Teun van der Lugt & Selina Stap & Sander Duijvis
End Credits - Richard Putman